September 28, 2012

The Breastfeeding Journey Continues...

Caedy is 2mo today. I thank God how I have pulled through and am still breastfeeding her exclusively.

Even tho breastfeeding her has been an amazing journey (I love the intimacy we have when I'm nursing her), but I, too, have moments of weakness. There are times I feel like giving up, especially when I'm physically tired. But thinking of the health benefits of breastfeeding (and btw, the book "Brain Rules for Kids" says that one of the brain boosters for kids is to breastfeed for a year), I chose not to give up.

There are many websites and groups that support breastfeeding and you can find useful info to keep you keeping on:
1. FB group - The Breastfeeding Advocates Network

I believe there are many more, but I often refer to no.1 and no.2.

She has been growing healthily, at 2mo, she's now 5.1kg and at night she'll sleep for 3-4.5 hours, sometimes less, before waking up to drink again.

Love my chitty chatty darling daughter :)

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